The General Administration welcomed Sr. Gretta Fernandez SSpS, Executive Secretary of VIVAT International

#PlenarySession The General Administration welcomed Sr. Gretta Fernandez SSpS, Executive Secretary of VIVAT International. Her detailed presentation […]


OMI World

Unlock the OMIWORLD APP Experience

The new OMIWORLD App is here, and we couldn’t be more excited! Designed by Oblates for Oblates to help support our mission of evangelization and being close to the people we serve.


OMI Ghana Mission

OMI Ghana Mission #alwaysclosetothepeople We are thrilled to announce the official inauguration of a new water borehole […]


Asia - Oceania

Bangladesh : Visitors from Australia

From April 6-10, 2024, a small delegation of teachers from Mazenod College WA and Iona College had the privilege of visiting the Bangladesh Delegation.


Africa - Madagascar

Ecology in Africa – SJTI Annual Conference

The St. Joseph Theological Institute in Cedara, South Africa, recently welcomed scholars, activists, and experts for their annual Ecology Conference on April 12th and 13th, 2024.


Africa - Madagascar

Madagascar: The OMI Delegation Ordains two Deacons and four Priests

Last Sunday, April 7th, the Delegation of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI) in Madagascar celebrated the ordination of two new deacons and four new priests.


Canada - United States

Diaconate Ordination: Blessed Mario Borzaga Scholasticate

The Scholasticate of Blessed Mario Borzaga community is full of joy and gratitude on the occasion of the diaconate ordination of four Oblate scholastics.



“Toit pour toi” (A Roof for You): Succeeding Together

For 14 years, the “Toit pour toi” (“A Roof for You”) association has run a temporary housing scheme lasting from 1 to 6 months. It is dedicated to helping young people in difficulty, aged 18 to 30. Occupying a wing of the Sacré-Coeur diocesan sanctuary building at 22 Rue de France in Nice, the association is run by two missionaries, Father Alfonso BARTOLOTTA, OMI, (Italian), and Brother Mariusz LORENC, OMI, (Polish).


Asia - Oceania

Kyiv: Church of St. Nicholas Holds Blood Drive to Support Military

Residents of Kyiv have united in a gesture of charity and solidarity by donating blood for the first time in a church located in the Capital City. 


Africa - Madagascar

The Ad-Gentes Mission in Guinea-Bissau: OMI Antula

The mission of Antula, in all its complexity and particularity, is a noble mission, immense and well adapted to the Oblate charism. It is characterized by a fairly high demography, with young people making up the largest percentage of its population.


General Administration

Message of the Central Government to the Oblates in Haiti

The Central Administration of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate is meeting in Dakar, Senegal in joint session with the Africa-Madagascar Region. We reiterate our support for the Oblate pilgrims in Haiti, especially those in Port-au-Prince.


Latin America

Close to the people: Oblates in Port-au-Prince

The entire Charismatic family stands in solidarity with the Oblates and the Church in Haiti as we witness the grave crisis unfolding in Haiti, compounded by recent violent episodes. Our hearts go out to the Haitian population, and we hold them close in our thoughts and prayers during this challenging time.



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