Joint Session of the Central Government and the Latin American Region (CIAL)
21-28 August 2023

Day 7 – Sunday, August 27

The theme for today’s morning prayer was, “Communion”. The prayer was led by the Province of Mexico and the Missions of Guatemala and Cuba. Several associates joined the morning prayer, centered around Constitution 3 of our Constitutions and Rules.

For the intercessory prayers, the associates were invited to the front of the sanctuary to pray for the Oblates. At the same time, the Oblates, carrying flags of the different nations from which we come, approached the associates to be prayed over. The last group to approach the associates and be prayed for was the Superior General and members of the Central Government. They knelt before the associates while they were prayed over. ​After breakfast, the delegates met to review the statutes of CIAL.

The members of the Central Government, meanwhile, worked on various projects individually. ​Mass was celebrated at noon, presided by Fr. Felix GARCÍA (Guatemala). Fr. Bede Sujaharan KEETHAPOLGALAN (Mexico) preached the homily. The afternoon was free for Sabbath rest and recreation.