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1. What is OMI-JPIC?

Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) ministry is a transversal General Service at the heart of our mission as Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. JPIC ministry is our way of life and our way of mission and forms an integral part of our process of Evangelization. As Oblates of Mary Immaculate, “we are members of the prophetic Church. While recognizing our own need for conversion, we bear witness to God’s holiness and justice. We announce the liberating presence of Jesus Christ and the new world born in his resurrection. We will hear and make heard the clamor of the voiceless, which is a cry to God who brings down the mighty from their thrones and exalts the lowly” (CC. 9). For this reason, our “action on behalf of justice, peace and the integrity of creation is an integral part of evangelization. Responding to the call of the Spirit, some Oblates identify themselves with the poor, sharing their life and commitment to justice; others are present where decisions affecting the future of the poor are being made” (RR. 9).

Officially, the OMI-JPIC became an Oblate pastoral and animation General Service in 2001. Several initiatives of the Oblate Administration in this time looked for an ongoing effort in the Congregation to respond to a priority: Evangelization of the poor on the threshold of the third millennium (XXXIII General Chapter on September, 24,1998).  Its first Director was Fr. Eliseo R. Mercado, Jr., OMI, who served from 2003-2006.  He was followed by Fr. Camille Piche, OMI (2008-2014), and then by Fr. Kennedy Katongo, OMI (2014-2016).

The current Director is Fr. Jean-Hérick Jasmin, OMI, who was appointed in October 2020. Fr. Jasmin is originally from Haiti and served for 17 years as a missionary among the poor in and around Bogota, Colombia.  He was a member of the EQUIPO DE TEÓLOGAS/OS ASESORES DE LA PRESIDENCIA (ETAP), the theological team assessor of the Confederación Latinoamericana de Religiosos (CLAR).

The work in strengthening and animating the Oblate Units and Regions in their ministry of JPIC has led the General Service to collaborate with other international organizations, such as VIVAT International, Justice Coalition of Religious (JCoR), Religious at the United Nations (RUN), and the Africa-Europe Faith and Justice Network (AEFJN).


The ministry of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI) in favor of Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation is at the heart of our life and mission.  Inspired by Jesus Christ and St. Eugene’s love for the poor, we are called to live and promote right relationships with oneself, with others, with creation, and ultimately, with God.

In the Superior General’s letter on May 23, 2016, he wrote that, “we, the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, are committed to the ministry of Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation as an integral part of the mission to bring the good news to the poor. This ministry is an essential dimension of our missionary lives. The concern for justice, the commitment to be peacemakers and the care for the gift of God’s creation are signs that the Kingdom announced by Jesus is among us.


Guided by the Holy Spirit, we will endeavor to live our Oblate community life by witnessing the Kingdom of God in justice, peace and joy among ourselves and with those who collaborate and work with us.

The Cross of Jesus is central to our mission. Oblate charism and spirituality help us see the world through the eyes of Jesus in whom the poor and marginalized continue to suffer (C. 4).

We will strive to identify with the poor, share their life and engage with them in the struggle to achieve justice and peace and promote the integrity of creation. We announce the liberating presence of Jesus Christ and the new world born in His Resurrection. We will hear, accompany and provide opportunities for those living in poverty to voice their concerns.

In communion with the Church and with people of goodwill we will make every effort to see, judge, and act on the root causes of suffering and injustice in our world. We will be present where decisions affecting the future of the poor are being made.


  1. Jean-Hérick Jasmin, OMI / [email protected]; Director, General Service of JPIC, Appointed on October 13, 2020 to October 13, 2023.
  2. Daquin IYAN IYO, OMI (Mission of Kenya)/ [email protected]; representing the Africa-Madagascar Region. Appointed on May 20, 2019 to May 20, 2022.
  3. Miguel FRITZ, OMI (Province of Cruz del Sur)/[email protected]; representing the Latin America Region. Appointed on May 20, 2019 to May 20, 2022.
  4. Sergio NATOLI, OMI (Mediterranean Province)/[email protected]; representing the Region of Europe. Appointed on May 23, 2016 to May 23, 2022.
  5. Benedict LENADIMAI, OMI (Province of India)/[email protected]; representing the Asia-Oceania Region. Appointed on May 21, 2020 to May 21, 2023.
  6. Daniel LeBLANC, OMI (US Province)/ [email protected]; representing the Canada-US Region. Appointed on October 11, 2018 to October 2023.


It is very clear that these priorities are ad intra: Witnessing Jesus Christ faithfully through our Oblate Charism demands that we put these priorities into practice first in our own Oblate Community Life. And ad extra: The way we organize our community is our first missionary commitment in witnessing and building the Kingdom of God, preached by Jesus, as the Good News for all Creation, all men and women.

1. Human Rights

Inspired by the Oblate Charism, “we announce the liberating presence of Jesus Christ…” (C9) in our mission with the most abandoned. We affirm that every person is created in the image and likeness of God.

  • 1.1 We commit ourselves to work especially in promoting the rights of all peoples, as individuals and as communities, with special emphasis on Indigenous Peoples and Migrants.
  • 1.2 We commit ourselves so that all peoples should be respected in their right to life from conception to life’s natural end and to have access to basic human needs as well as the right to enjoy the free exercise of civic, political, social, religious and cultural rights, and to have a healthy community to live in.

2. Peace and Reconciliation

Inspired by Jesus who died to reconcile all peoples with God and guided by St. Eugene’s pastoral concern for reconciliation between people in his missionary activity takes us to commit ourselves to promote peace and reconciliation in identifying and acknowledging the nature of the historical divisions and animosity which exists between countries and ethnic groups; also to explore opportunities and learning tools and processes that can make a positive contribution to the peacemaking process.

  • 2.1 We should be attentive to include in the initial and ongoing Oblate Formation curriculum the specific training in the area of conflict resolution and reconciliation at the social, religious and political levels, for instance between ethnic groups.
  • 2.2 This training should also include the breach that has been identified and recognized between humankind and the earth in various and sundry situations and contexts.
  • 2.3 The OMI JPIC Committee should create a team of Oblates and laity that could be assembled to be a resource for Oblates and others for the work of reconciliation especially in zones of conflict where Oblates are working.

3. Ecological and Economic Sustainability

Moved by the Spirit to announce the Good News we commit ourselves to the cause of the poor in an unequal, unjust and devastating world. We will strife to understand that economic and ecological sustainability means a just and respectful relationship between humanity, creation and God that safeguards the earth, all its inhabitants, especially the most vulnerable, and resources for present and future generations,

Recognizing that the actual social, political, economic and cultural structures have caused a breakdown in the relationship that must exist between all elements of nature, including human beings and our relationship with God,

Recognizing also that the actual economic system is creating an ever growing division between rich and poor both at the inter-personal, community levels and between nations,

We opt to renew our commitment for an evangelical life style that will assure

  • 3.1 An integral relationship between humanity and nature as gifts of God
  • 3.2 Protection of the environment and commitment to ecology
  • 3.3 Sustainable economy: working to establish local economies that are economically viable, environmentally sound and socially responsible
  • 3.4 Ethical and responsible investments

4. Emphasis on Education and Formation

  • 4.1 We are committed to the promotion of basic literacy and education as a fundamental right and need to empower people in their search for greater dignity and opportunities.
  • 4.2 We believe that preparation and updating for this dimension of our mission should be included in all of our formation programs. This includes the different stages of initial formation, ongoing formation and leadership training programs that are planned at different levels of the congregation.
  • 4.3 We act so that lay people and Oblates together assume responsibility for our mission. Catholic Social Teaching and JPIC training needs to be an integral part of our formation programs for Oblates and the laity.

JPIC activities and issues in our regions


  • Mining
  • Indigenous people’s rights
  • Child migrants
  • Human trafficking
  • Corruption in governance
  • Drug cartels


  • Immigration laws
  • Mining
  • Terrorism attacks
  • Corrupt Multi-National companies
  • Unemployment


  • Migrants and refugees
  • Mining
  • Muslim and Christian tension
  • Boko Haram / Al shabab
  • Corruption


  • Refugees and migrants
  • Terrorism attacks
  • Unemployment
  • Muslim and Christian tension
  • Homeless and street people


  • Human trafficking
  • Child labor
  • Refugees and migrants (external and internal)
  • Mining
  • High poverty levels
  • Inter faith and religious tension