Superior, International Scholasticate

Today, April 15, 2024, the formators from the International Roman Scholasticate (IRS) presented their community life, formative experiences, and future plans to the Central Government.

The IRS holds a special place within the congregation. It fosters unity across its diverse units and instills a strong sense of belonging to the Universal Church and the congregation’s international identity. This academic year, we welcomed 17 students from 12 countries, guided by four formators from various regions: Mario Brandi from Europe, Alexius from Africa-Madagascar, Antonio CHE PAAU from the Americas, and Gregory from Asia-Oceania. Looking ahead, we anticipate nine new students joining us, while seven will return to their local units, enriched by their time with us.

Plenary Session : International Scholasticate on the Agenda

During the meeting, the formators reflected on their experiences, celebrating the successful integration of the students and the opportunities for growth in intercultural understanding. Annual workshops could be organized to deepen cultural appreciation and foster a spirit of openness and respect. The formators emphasized the priority of Missionary Religious Formation, assuring that all other aspects are secondary but supportive of this goal. They acknowledged the modern challenge of patiently guiding students to live out Oblate values authentically. The importance of nurturing our members’ “inner life” was stressed, recognizing that this personal growth is what endures.

The dialogue with the Central Government was both constructive and productive. Father Chicho expressed gratitude for the formators’ efforts, particularly for the initiative to revise the IRS Directory, and pledged them to consider the proposal of maintaining the presence of “Oblate Brothers” within the IRS community. The session concluded with an invitation to the Central Government to attend the Perpetual Vows of Seven Scholastics on May 1, 2024.