Thursday, September 22nd

With the reports finished, the Capitulars began a new stage in which they are trying to discern the central themes that will guide the progress of the Chapter.

To this end, in the morning, they shared what they had worked on yesterday and met again in groups, this time distributed by Regions, to answer the following questions:

  • As a Region, what did we hear that resonates in common?
  • What is missing?
  • What have we not heard and what do we need to take into account?
  • What is it that we are slow to grasp or understand (from Jesus’ words to the disciples on the road to Emmaus)?

In the afternoon, the reflections of the groups were shared and the plenary assembly had an open discussion. The text of the disciples of Emmaus continued to resonate in the evening common prayer. Let us pray that the Holy Spirit will enlighten the capitulars at this crucial moment.