Bonaventure IKYOHIA, OMI

Have you ever wondered who’s behind the scenes ensuring the rich tapestry of Catholic liturgical life remains vibrant and authentic? Well, on Tuesday morning, February 13, 2024, we stepped into the world of The Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, or Dicasterium de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum in Latin.

Fr. Alexander Mariadass and Dr. Adelindo Giuliani welcomed us into the inner workings of this unique dicastery, uncovering its profound impact on the liturgical life of the Catholic Church. With a mission to promote and safeguard the sacred celebrations of the Liturgy, Eucharist, and sacraments across the Church’s diverse rites, it serves as a unifying force, ensuring adherence to liturgical norms and guidelines.

This dicastery reviews and approves every liturgical text, from Missals to rituals and translations of sacred books, infusing each word with the reverence and authenticity essential to Catholic worship. Moreover, it serves as a beacon of clarity, providing guidance on the interpretation and application of liturgical laws and regulations.

Our visit offered a profound glimpse into the vital role played by this dicastery in upholding the integrity and sanctity of Catholic worship and sacramental life. The insights shared by Father Alexander Mariadass and Dr. Adelindo Giuliani, members of this dicastery, deepened our understanding of its multifaceted responsibilities and unwavering commitment to preserving the sacred traditions of the Church.