OMI World

Our future depends on our ability to make wise decisions

In light of all that we have heard and experienced recently, we are at a crossroads with a decision to make. What choice will we make?


General Administration

Ongoing Formation: A Daily Conversion to the Gospel

Fr. Luis Ignacio ROIS ALONSO, OMI, Superior General of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, shared his vision for ongoing formation during a February 2024 meeting with the General Committee for Formation in Rome. He emphasized that “Ongoing formation is a daily conversion to the Gospel. 


OMI World

Being Grateful Messengers of God’s Mercy

As every year in the second Easter Sunday, we celebrate the “Divine Mercy Sunday.” The message of this day is a proclamation and at the same time an invitation.


General Administration

The Kingdom of God is Within Us

Why doesn’t humanity’s story, despite its dark chapters, fade into oblivion? Despite past and present wars, unyielding violence, and the pervasive injustices plaguing societies, why do visions of peaceful coexistence and solidarity endure? And why, despite ecological disasters caused by nature’s exploitation, do we pursue a greener future for our planet?


Célébrations de l’Histoire et du Charisme Oblats

Célébrations de l’Histoire et du Charisme Oblats Ces derniers jours, dédiés à la commémoration du 198ᵉ anniversaire […]



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